Ronny Kountur, Lady Aprilia
PPM School of Management
Executive Development Program of PPM Manajemen
This study aims to find the dimensions of financial indicators where both ratio and non-ratio indicators are accommodated. It is expected that the new dimensions of financial indicators be found. Both Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis is used in analyzing the data. Data are taken from 120 companies listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX). Twenty financial indicators from the financial reports of each company are identified. While it has been a common practice to use ratio in indicating financial performance, it is not common to use an individual value from financial statements as financial indicators. This study shows that financial indicators can be grouped into four dimensions; they are Operational Performance, Asset-Income Performance, Owner Returns Performance and Leverage Performance. All of the non-ratio indicators that are expressed in the amount are grouped in the Asset-Income Performance dimension. New dimensions of financial performance indicators that do not commonly exist in this study, they are Asset-Income, and Leverage Performance. With the new dimension, non-financial performances such as customer satisfaction, corporate social responsibility, reputation, nepotism, and professionalism may be detected.
Keywords: Financial performance, Corporate finance, Factor analysis
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