ACRN Journal of Finance and Risk Perspectives (JOFRP)
(ISSN 2305-7394)

The global peer-reviewed research outreach of the ACRN Oxford Research Network, dedicated to interdisciplinary research perspectives in the fields of Finance, Risk and Accounting.
Journal description:
The JOFRP provides a forum for the dissemination of robust academic research that discusses and proposes field-driven solutions with the potential to change finance theory and practice and have an impact on the field. The journal clearly communicates insights on highly relevant topics for practice, policymakers and scholars alike.
The JOFRP, now in its 11th volume has been first published in 2012, and is a strictly academic, double-blind peer reviewed, open-access, indexed publication. All articles are indexed in EBSCO, and are fully searchable. It is included in SCOPUS and also listed in the Cabell Quality Publishing Database, which is typically relevant for tenure track evaluations in the US. It is in the review process of the Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index.
From 2023 on, the journal will only accept submissions with the Emerald Journal of Applied Accounting Research - SCOPUS, ANVUR:A, ABCD: B, AJG: 2 and many more,
ISSN: 0967-5426 - with the same editor in chief and the same mission.
This journal is special because it aims to provide an outlet for inter-disciplinary and more in-depth research papers with various methodological approaches from the broad fields of Finance, Risk and Accounting. The target group of this journal are academics who want to get a better understanding of the interconnectedness of their fields by acknowledging the methods and theories used in closely related areas.
The JOFRP thus aims to overcome the self-imposed paradigmatic boundaries and reflexive isomorphisms of the individual, typically rather narrow fields and invites new and combined perspectives from the fields of Finance, Risk and Accounting. Despite its methodological, topical and disciplinary openness - it does so with a strong focus on academic rigour and robustness. Articles can vary in size and approaches but all articles will be strictly double-blind peer reviewed and authors are frequently invited to discuss the ramifications of their articles in the global ACRN Oxford FRAP and SSFII conferences.
Editorial Criteria:
Articles for the journal may be conceptual or empirical and qualitative or quantitative in their choice of methods. We particularly invite interdisciplinary approaches and rigorous scholarly papers that take up the outcomes of industry-academia collaborations and discuss their theoretical and practical implications. The manuscripts need to follow the JOFRP formatting guidelines and especially adhere to the maximum word-count of around 10.000 words. Besides scientific rigour, a good structure with a clear flow of arguments and a solid command of the English language, the journal also requires a clear relevance for its target audiences, a well explained contextualisation and carefully derived practical implications of the research with a sound reflection on theory.
Editorial Message:
“It is vital that any submission includes a discussion on the distinctiveness of the context in which the research takes place. What is more, the research needs to target and clearly develop a theoretical gap from the literature. A purely descriptive work would not be accepted for publication; rather the findings need to be discussed in the light of an extensive review of existing scholarship - and the implications and contributions need to be of theoretical as well as practical value.”
Prof Othmar M. Lehner, EiC

We follow the Creative Commons License CC BY-SA from 2019 on (previously before 2019 open access CC BY ND NC) - “This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to “copyleft” free and open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use."
Final Acceptance Rate 2021: 23%,
Average Time per Review Round: 46 days (10. Jan 2022), Average Review Rounds: 2.4
Journal Scope:
- Quantitative Finance and Risk Modeling
- Financial Economics
- Investment Management and Portfolio Building
- Corporate Finance
- Behavioral Finance
- Banking and Insurance Perspectives
- Entrepreneurial Finance, Crowdfunding and Venture Capital
- Social and Sustainable Finance and ESG Impact Investing
- Environmental Risk and Finance
- Good Corporate Governance and Risk Management
- Financial Auditing
- Accounting and Finance Information Systems, Big Data and AI
- Islamic Banking and Finance
- Organisational and Critical Perspectives on Finance, Accounting and Risk
Editors in Chief:
Prof. Othmar M Lehner
Director, Hanken Center for Accounting, Finance and Governance
Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland
Prof. James M Chen
Michigan State University
Prof. Ahmed Marhfor
University of Quebec, Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Canada
Editorial Board:
Prof. Alex Nicholls, SAID Business School, University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Minna Martikainen, University of Vaasa, Finland
Prof. Dennis Sundvik, Hanken School of Economics, Finland
Prof. Elroy Dimson, Cambridge University, UK
Dr. Merav Ozair, NYU, New York University, US
Prof. Olga Kolokolova, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Shambu Prasad, Xavier Institute of Management India
Dr. Saadiah Mohamad, Professor of Economics, Universiti Teknologi MARA
Prof. Yifat Reuveni, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Prof. Michael Dorff, Southwestern Law School, USA
Prof. Edward T. Jackson, Carleton University, Canada
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