Vu Thi Thanh Binh, Nhat-Minh Tran, Do Minh Thanh, Nguyen Thi Hong Nga
Hanoi University of Industry
National Economics University
Thuongmai University
Improving the quality of accounting information systems through accountant resources is beneficial to the performance and sustainable development of SMEs. This study investigated the impact of accountant resources on the quality of accounting information systems in Vietnamese SMEs. Accounting information system quality was measured by a multidimensional scale including system quality, information quality, and usefulness. The study tested hypotheses using Path analysis of Structural Equation Model based on 434 respondents. The findings indicated a strong interaction between the components of the accounting information system quality under the effect of accountant resources. The results showed a positive direct effect of accountant resources on system quality and the path analysis results also revealed an influence of accountant resources on information quality and usefulness via mediating variables. The results highlighted the importance of accountant resources for the quality of accounting information systems. This study contributed theoretically to the non-financial indicator for measuring accounting information system quality.
Keywords: Accountant Resource, Performance measurement, Quality of accounting information system, SMEs
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