Harrer, T., 2019, The Positive Side of Feminist Theory in Entrepreneurial Finance: Feminist Themes and Tropes in Crowdfunding for Social Change, ACRN Journal of Finance and Risk Perspectives, 8 (1), 275-296

Theresia Harrer*
Middlesex University, London
Following literature that already reframes entrepreneurship as a social change activity, we consider the societal change potential of entrepreneurial narratives in crowdfunding pitches of predominantly female-run ventures. We understand the community-driven phenomenon crowdfunding therefore as a vehicle to transcend and change the predominantly masculine entrepreneurial discourse of innovation and business success. Following an idiographic methodology, we analyse the discourse in crowdfunding video-representations of female-run ventures and explore structure, linguistic usage, visual artefacts and the implied intentions towards social change from a feminist perspective. From the sampling set of 42 crowdfunding campaigns, we use the resulting discursive elements and tropes to identify feminist themes that drive the success of these campaigns through connecting with immanent societal values. With this we contribute to the social change perspective in entrepreneurship research by addressing epistemological issues within prevailing paradigms.
Keywords: Feminism, Social change, Entrepreneurship, Crowdfunding, Discourse analysis