Deepika Dhawan, Sushil Kumar Mehta, 2019, Saving and Investment Pattern: Assessment and Prospects , ACRN Journal of Finance and Risk Perspectives, 8 (1), 123-132

Deepika Dhawan, Sushil Kumar Mehta
School of Business, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
Relevance: This study is conducted to look into the investor rationality by examining the pattern of saving and investment in the city of Jammu situated in Jammu and Kashmir, India.
Research Objective: The objective of this study is to see the association of saving and income; reasons for saving; and preferences of investors for different investment instruments through administering the structured questionnaire.
Methodology: Respondents are conveniently selected based on judgment. One -Way ANOVA, ANCOVA, and MANOVA are used to identify and understand the patterns of saving and investment and underlying triggers for the same.
Findings: A relationship between saving and income is found, after controlling for the effects of variables, namely, age, gender, and occupation. Likewise, the impact of gender on financial literacy and awareness is found. This study also finds that people prefer safe and liquid investments with tax benefits, higher returns, and fewer lock-in-periods.
Implications: The outcome will help financial consultants and investment managers to know more about the psyche and the level of financial literacy of people, and thus to help them in their objective of garnering funds and invest at a significant level and, finally helping in the capital formation.
Keywords: Investor Rationality, Annual Savings, Investment, Annual Income, Underlying Triggers
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